It ain't easy bein' wheezy

It ain't easy bein' wheezy

Honouring Zoe’s young life cut short, our mission is to better understand severe asthma, especially in children and teenagers, investigating better treatment options, prevention strategies and an eventual cure.

1 in 9 Australians have asthma, one of the highest rates in the world.

  • Moama Community Spring into Action

    Asthma and Hayfever Seminar invaluable for the Moama Community

    Moama Community Spring into Action for Asthma Week with over 70 guests attending Asthma and Hayfever Seminar.

  • Asthma Awareness Week 2024

    The start of Spring in 2024 brings a number of triggers, with 1 in 5 Australians reported to have Hayfever.

  • AMAX-4 Training Devices

    The Zoe Kennedy Foundation is thrilled to announce a substantial investment of $40,000 in the AMAX-4 initiative, a pioneering program designed to revolutionize emergency care for asthma and anaphylaxis.

  • Figurehead Tee off Against Asthma, $60K Raised

    Figurehead Construction's annual golf tribute match, managed by Maxfield and the Zoe Kennedy Foundation, took place at the prestigious Moonah Links Golf Course and St Andrews Brewery. This year’s event was an outstanding success, completely selling out two courses with the enthusiastic support of Figurehead Construction's consultant and subcontractor network.

The Zoe Kennedy Foundation was established by Figurehead in 2020.

In June 2020, Zoe suffered an acute asthma attack and was rushed to hospital, where she was immediately placed on life-support. Four days later, the Kennedy family were devastated to learn that Zoe would not recover.

In partnership with Asthma Australia, Figurehead Group and the Kennedy family established the Zoe Kennedy Foundation. Through grants and PhD Scholarships, the foundation helps fund progressive research into asthma prevention, management and eradication, with a specific focus on the increased risk for teenagers—and in doing so, honours a young life cut short.

Today, over $430,000 has been raised to improve the lives of young people with Asthma.

Zoe Kennedy Foundation Asthma Awareness posters designed by Georgia Naughton

“The foundation’s purpose is to fund ongoing research into critical preventative measures, honouring our own bright life cut short; with a specific focus on awareness around the increased risk of asthma for teenagers.”

— Joe Grasso, Figurehead Group Managing Director